Friday, December 12, 2008


Anybody who knows much about my life the past couple of years will know that Thursdays are the days I hate. Ever since I took over the job as Circulation Librarian I inherited with it the unenviable task of working late on Thursday nights.

At first this was just mildly annoying. The hubby would stay with me and he would take a nap while I was working and then he would drive home. By the time we arrived home, I had unwound and was able to shortly go to bed.

The arrival of the Munchkin Man last year threw another kink into the mix. Since the munchkin didn't handle being at the Library well, his Daddy would take him home after he got off work and I would then come on home on my own. This was a workable solution because we had a babysitter who normally kept munchkin at her home. However, on Thursdays I would just keep him with me until I came into work at 2:00 and then a college student kept him for the couple of hours until his Dad got off work, thus giving the normal babysitter every Thursday off.

Fast forward to this year and the whole thing took another turn for the worse. Munchkin Man is now attending daycare/preschool and they do not want him arriving later than 9:00am. So Daddy takes munchkin on in, leaving me at home. I'm sure this is better for him in the long run because he stays on schedule better, but I barely get to see him while he is having breakfast for just a couple of minutes. Just enough time for a hug as he heads out the door with dad and his big brother. By the time I drag in at 10:30ish pm to say the least, he is long gone for dreamy land and is sound asleep. Seeing him on the baby monitor just isn't the same as playing with him and luvin' on him.

The bad Thursdays are followed by the wonderful Friday mornings when I am with munchking again. Today, however, someone forgot to tell Snowbird about my plans. Today is a snow day here. All of the area k-12 schools are closed and so is the Munchkin Man's daycare. Daddy is at home with the munchkin because Mommy had to come to work because her assistant is out and it's finals time. WARNING: MAJOR WHINE APPROACHING!!! So, I didn't even get to see the Munchkin Man this morning :( He was still in bed asleep when I left the house. Our mornings are really rushed and obviously I don't get to spend much time with him in the mornings anyway, but I do miss that short period of time and those morning hugs and kisses. Mommies should get SNOW DAYS too!

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